Our Dogs

We are pleased to introduce you to our dogs, and hope you enjoy meeting them. Our dogs have always been our pets before being show dogs. Although that being said, since I’ve been bitten by the “show bug” our dogs are doing double duty. We have been striving to breed dogs that embrace the qualities of good temperament, good minds, good conformation and good friends, and hope to pass those qualities on to all of our puppies.

Isabella - Baibrook's Infinity of Willarea
Penny - Baibrook's Gold in a Penny Arcade
Quinev - Baibrook’s Heart of Gold
Shane - Baibrook’s Golden Son Rise
Tara - Baibrook’s Black Gold
Tawny - Baibrook’s Gold N’ Pearls
Vana - Baibrook’s Golden Promise
Victoria - Baibrook’s Reach For The Gold Ring
Victoria - Baibrook’s Reach For The Gold Ring
Ariana - Baibrook’s Golden Girl